about Lauren

I am a liberation midwife and curricula designer, change capacity coach, writer, and teacher.

In my work I focus on supporting and guiding others through a process of unlearning — unwinding those aspects of our core conditioning that lock us into patterns of suffering.

I am a disabled and chronically ill (ME/CFS), neurodivergent, introverted, white citizen of the imperial core, of celtic, north european and mediterranean ancestry. My pronouns are she/her.

I feel that as humans our sense of possibility has been unnaturally confined, and that we've come to experience ourselves and our potentials in extremely limited ways, and that we have the capacity to collectively liberate ourselves progressively from disempowering and exploitative systems and structures of consciousness. I believe the time we are living offers heightened and emergent potentials for cultural/societal re-invention, the deep rebuilding of healthy social ecologies and right relationship and the co-creation of just and brilliant futures.

I currently live and work on Chinook, Clackamas, Cowlitz and Siletz lands in Portland, Oregon, US.

It's my mission to create experiences that speak to your heart and answer your true needs, experiences that awaken deep insight, generate connection with your guidance, intuition and power, and support you in ending generational cycles of suffering.

Please play and explore this portal. I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter Visionkin, join one of my programs, or work with me 1:1.

In liberation and love,